Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena Criolla is an international social tango event at a unique location in Germany. In 2025 it will be the fifth time that the Art Mill in Veckenstedt will host exclusively those tango dancers who specifically have a liking for dancing tango in close embrace, tango dancers skilled in dancing and creating the ronda, skilled in dancing small and yet keeping a soft flow. It will be a meeting place for an international group of lovers of dancing tango in close embrace, who want to respect the milonga codes on and off the dance floor.
This means:

dancing only in close embrace
request by eye contact (mirada and cabecéo),
changing of partners after each tanda,
respect for the lines of dance while dancing in the ronda,
entering on to the dance floor in a correct way,
social and friendly on and off the dance floor.

5, 6 and 7 september 2025

Encuentro Milonguero ‘La Cadena Criolla’ 2025

During the weekend Tango-Cuisine will serve you two delicious vegetarian and non-vegetarian dinners, two brunches, and all kinds of delicious snacks. If you want to be able to enjoy the meals of Tango Cuisine, please register. To avoid waste, purchases are made as precisely as possible for the number of people who have also registered. A link to register specifically for Tango Cuisine will be sent to you in the process of registration for the Encuentro.